St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers
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March 24 Worship
Steve Wood
Steve Wood
Sunday, March 24, 2024
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Readings for the Day:

Isaiah 50:4-9:  The image of the servant of God is one of the notable motifs in the book of Isaiah.  Today’s reading describes the mission of the servant, whom early Christians associated with Jesus, the servant does not strike back at his detractors but trusts in God’s steadfast love.

Philippians 2:5-11:  Christ did not act to attain status and glory but was obedient to God even to the point of death.  Following Christ’s example, we do not seek personal status or glory but care for others as God cared for us in Christ’s death.
Mark 11:1-11:  Holy Week begins with a palm procession and the proclamation of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem from the Gospel of Mark.  Christ enters the assembly now, just as he did then, and we praise his presence among us.  ‘Hosanna’ is now our song, pleading for salvation.

 ‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress’

Questions To Ponder:
1— What does it mean to you that God will send a ‘suffering servant’? (Isaiah 50:4-9)
2—How can you have the same mind as Jesus? (Phil. 2:5)
3—What does Palm Sunday mean to you?  (Mark 11:1-11)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?

Prayer:  Sovereign God, you have established your role in the human heart through the servanthood of Jesus Christ.  By your Spirit, keep us in the joyful procession of those who with their tongues confess Jesus as Lord and with their lives praise him as Savior.  Amen.