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This Week: February 11-16

Sunday 11th

Newsletter deadline
 Deadline to sign-up for First  Communion Class
 Deadline to sign-up for Aspire Event
 Deadline for College Care Pkgs.
 8:00 am Communion
 9:00 am Sunday School 
 Valentine’s Party in  fellowship hall
 9:00 am Mental Health in  Adult Sunday School
 10:15 am Worship
 6:30 pm Luther League Super  Bowl Party at Herbert’s
Mon. 12th

9:00 am Preschool
 1:00 pm Blanket Making
 7:00 pm Church Council
 8:00 pm Dartball at Lutheran  Lake

Tues. 13th

11:00 am Fat Tuesday at 
 The Brick
Wed. 14th

9:00 am Preschool
 1:00 pm Blanket Making
 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday service
Thurs. 15th

Deadline for Dartball Scholarship
 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast  Club
 9:30 am Tai Chi class
 7:00 pm Money presentation
 7:00 pm Men’s Group
Friday 16th

9:00 am Preschool