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This week:   January 26-February 1

Sunday 26th

8:00 am Communion
 9:00 am Sunday School
 9:00 am Adult Sunday School
 10:15 am Worship
 11:15 am Jr. High Activity
 6:30 pm Adult Bells
 7:00 pm Choir
Mon. 27th

9:00 am Preschool
 (Stone Soup)
 10:00 am Ladies’ Craft and  Fellowship Retreat
 1:00 pm Blanket making
 1:00 pm Book Buzz
 8:00 pm Dartball  at home
Tues. 28th

9:00 am Ladies’ Craft and  Fellowship Retreat
 6:30 pm Kids Bells

Wed. 29th

9:00 am Preschool
 9:00 am Ladies’ Craft and  Fellowship Retreat
 1:00 pm Blanket making
 6:00 pm Doors open
 6:30 pm Youth Night
Thurs. 30th

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club
 9:30 am Tai Chi
Friday 31st

9:00 am Preschool