What exactly is Stephen Ministry? It is a ministry within the congregation in which trained and supervised lay persons (called Stephen Ministers) provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties.

How Can Someone receive Care from a Stephen Minister? Pastor Steve is our Stephen Leader who coordinates referrals.  If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, you can talk to him or any of the other Stephen Leaders. (If you want to talk about Stephen Ministry for someone else, make sure you get his or her permission first.)

How much does it cost? Stephen Ministry is a caregiving ministry available to our members and community free of charge.

What’s the Pastor’s Role? Pastors will always be the primary caregivers, but there is no way pastors can meet all the needs for care.  God has called all of us, not just pastors, to minister to one another.  Stephen Ministry multiplies ministry by turning pastors into equippers so they can enable lay people to provide caring ministry as well.

If you have any questions or would like to request care, please feel free to email careteam@stpaul-borchers.org