In the baptismal promises—parents, the sponsors and the congregation all made a covenant to raise the person in the faith. Encouraging, educating, and equipping them to be a child of God and allow them to let their light shine before others to glorify God.
One of the ways that the congregation fulfills this covenant is the confirmation process.
Our confirmation process is a three-year program available beginning in the 6th grade year. (If a youth begins at a time other than 6th grade, they will still need to do the complete 3 years and thus would be confirmed later than 8th grade.)
Over the 3 years, we will study the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Luther’s Small Catechism. Each of these will be a focus for one entire year.
The instruction for confirmation happens in two ways.
Another part of the confirmation process is that the students are required to do interviews with a baptismal sponsor (or some other adult). These interviews are to promote faith conversations between the youth and an adult. These interviews are for 2nd & 3rd year students. Each year has a different set of questions to engage with the adult. I ask that the interviews are video-recorded and then sent to me in order to have accountability for these being done.
Also, 3rd year students are asked to reflect upon 3 questions about what it means to be confirmed and about their confirmation verse.
Finally, for the day of confirmation, the students will complete a stole that represents being connected to Jesus. Recently, we have begun giving stoles to those being baptized and those receiving their first communion. The stole is a way to show that baptism, communion and confirmation are connected as ways in which we grow in our faith formation.
If your youth has not gone through the first communion class, you will receive a letter about the class which happens during Lent during the Sunday School hour.
Videos can be horizontal or vertical, facing the student, adult or both. If participants do not wish to appear on video, simply point the camera to the ceiling or face down - the conversation is the important part, not your video production skills.
If you are conducting your interview long-distance, it is possible to record video using meeting programs, such as Zoom. Contact Jamie for assistance.
It is suggested to fill out the form on the same device you used to record the video(s) for easy submission.
You will fill out your name, confirmation class year, name of the adult interviewed and then choose the video you would like to submit. Click ‘Submit’ to finish.